Why Most Businesses Struggle With Automation

Why Most Businesses Struggle With Automation

Why are people so bad at getting automation into their business? It’s pretty simple: they lack the knowledge to do it right. Combine that with a need to chase trends rather than results and it’s no wonder that so much automation falls flat on its face. We’re here today to hold up a mirror to the attitudes that plague so many businesses.

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Software Libraries: Do They Really Work?

Software Libraries: Do They Really Work?

Libraries by their very nature are brilliant resources with so much knowledge and a never-ending subject list that tapping into it all is more than a life’s work.
But, with all that information it’s easy to get lost and even easier to find something that isn’t actually useful to you. Just like the brick-and-mortar outfits, software libraries are much the same. They’re cool and have value at a basic level but beyond that, they begin to struggle.
Here’s where we’re at with them.

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Just How Broken Are Your Processes?

Just How Broken Are Your Processes?

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. That’s a phrase used by everyone and their uncle. But unfortunately, it isn’t often stuck to. We’ve made a business off the back of broken processes, so in some ways, we’re grateful for them – but you definitely shouldn’t be.

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Nice Guys Finish First

Nice Guys Finish First

While we do love spending a little bit of time talking about ourselves, that’s what this is all about right? We also love to shout out the brilliant tech and players in the industry. While we work with a lot of vendors, to be honest, one of our go-to vendors is NICE. Because of that, not that they need the press, we wanted to take some time to talk about why they’re often our vendor of choice.

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Digital Employee Of The Month

Digital Employee Of The Month

It’s about time we finally address the double standard seen in modern workplaces. And while it’s not usually in our wheelhouse to wade into workers’ rights, we’ve had enough! Ok, we’re being a...

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New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time again where we set ourselves goals to live by for the new year. The joy of New Year’s resolutions is that they come round regularly. This means we don’t have to beat ourselves up too...

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