What Will 2022 Look Like?

What Will 2022 Look Like?

Although still challenging, as with 2020, the past year has been one of real positivity. The pandemic has changed the outlook that companies and people have and how they want to work. Part of that...

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The Real Meaning Behind Customer Success

The Real Meaning Behind Customer Success

We’re not going to gloss over it. We really hate buzzwords. Nothing grinds our gears more than overused words. But (and it’s a big but) we cannot lie (!), customer success is a real thing. In fact,...

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How Do You Know You Need RPA?

How Do You Know You Need RPA?

RPA is too often an afterthought for businesses trying to improve processes. Why? Because most businesses aren’t looking to implement RPA – they just want the outcome. And, more often than not,...

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How Bottlenecks Hurt Businesses

How Bottlenecks Hurt Businesses

At the time of writing, people are queuing up outside petrol stations across the UK — waiting impatiently, for gas. A purchase which usually takes no more than a few minutes has even begun to...

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The Most Dangerous Sentence in Automation

The Most Dangerous Sentence in Automation

Right we’ve lured you in with a baity title (!). Stick with it though, we’re actually taking a look at something you should be wary of. You might have heard these words before, you might even have...

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Automation Balanced with Personalisation

Automation Balanced with Personalisation

People can’t help but do the things they like. But at work, this often comes at the expense of things that need doing! We’re simple creatures – and if we’re presented with a choice between an easy,...

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Connecting People

Connecting People

Robots can do more than just free up our time to focus on the more important things. They can help tear down the barriers that separate us all as people – either through the ways we interact with...

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Efficiency & How We See It

Efficiency & How We See It

Businesses want work to be done well, to be done quickly, and to be done cheaply. We can all relate to these drivers from our own businesses as well as what we want to as consumers. To be able to...

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